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I saw this segment when I watched the full show this morning. Very funny...


"God" had no problems wiping out the first born babies of everyone when he got pissed off... or committing genocide.


I know how they all are on this but in the bibble the fetus only became a real person at birth. In the womb it had no rights whatsoever.


The anti-choice movement closely follows the Catholic Church's contention that ensoulment takes place at conception. It practically perpetuates the ridiculous ancient notion of homunculi - miniature, fully-formed persons in each sperm cell. In light of the reality of gestational development, that position is bizarre and extremist.

It is also a minority position and a religious position. The problems are (1) the US Supreme Court is stacked with anti-choice religious extremists, and (2) the Court has ruled in the past that the state has a legal interest in fetal life and that interest is not (legally) based on religion. So, a religious freedom argument by itself is not sufficient to ensure full reproductive freedom in the eyes of the Court.

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