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LINK Man Killed Wife After QAnon Told Him She Was a CIA-Linked Sex Trafficker

Prosecutors say a man in Michigan killed his wife after receiving messages from QAnon members that she was a child sex trafficker working for the CIA.

Troy Burke, 45, admitted to shooting and killing his wife, Jessica Burke, 29, on January 27, 2021. Burke was found not guilty of one charge of homicide and one felony weapons charge by reason of insanity on February 7, according to court records obtained from the Gratiot County Circuit Court.

snytiger6 9 Feb 12

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Is it possible for him to be deprogrammed? Mfer


Since this worked for him, expect all Q followers to plead insanity every time they kill someone. We are doomed!


Mid-life crises? He's been found insane (and that's a hard bar to prove) so she should have maybe taken that into account before marrying him.

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