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Sixty degrees at the beach today! Read and weep?

PondartIncbendog 8 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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This was in our news today. Here, it touched the low 50's but there was lots of sun to go with it. It's supposed to be the same today.


It was close to 60 yesterday in PA, and 54 today. Tomorrow we're expecting a snowstorm. Weird! I was gardening yesterday. Tomorrow I'll be wielding a snow shovel.


35 Celsius yesterday & several hundred klms from the sea. Melbourne 32.

That's too hot too.

@PondartIncbendog Lol. No, Mild.

Hot is when you get in the car & the LED temperature guage has gone totally black- blue. It does that above 55.5°C.

The other hot is 44°C for the 7th day in a row & it didn't get below 35 overnight.

Uncomfortable is 20°C + with a 90+% humidity.


89 F here in L.A. That is scary.

Yikes. Toooooo hot.


Was 60 here too

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 12, 2022

Is that a rhododendron blooming so early? It's only February! What a peaceful spot!

Yeah, but I cheated. The picture is from last year in May.

You might like the pond too?

@PondartIncbendog Lovely! I like seeing a reflection on water. When I lived in the Pacific Northwest, I had a stream through my yard, that would always capture my focus while I was thinking about stuff.

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