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Judge in Sarah Palin's defamation suit against the NYT says he will dismiss the case.

Organist1 8 Feb 14

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Can she appeal and push it up to the Supreme Court?

I don't think they hear defamation cases, but I'll look into it.


From the article: "The editorial in question was called "America's Lethal Politics" and...erroneously said that there was a "clear" link between a map that had crosshairs over congressional districts, including Giffords', and the shooting that injured her. Bennet testified that he added language about there being a clear link and that once he realized his error, he worked to quickly issue a correction."

Given Palin's depraved killing of wolves from a helicopter, the question as to whether a 'clear' link is not that unclear. These psychos play with people's lives with abandon, but go completely bonkers when one of their own (Scalise) becomes a victim. Actually, they don't care; they're just all about playing the game of intimidation. Best of luck to the NY Times on Palin's appeals.

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