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LINK Pence defends RNC's "legitimate political discourse" language

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday defended a resolution adopted by the Republican National Committee earlier this month that said those involved in the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection were involved in "legitimate political discourse."

Why it matters: Pence's defense of the resolution during a speech at Stanford University exemplifies the divide within the Republican Party over how to define the riot carried out by a pro-Trump mob.

snytiger6 9 Feb 18

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If he wants a career in the Republican Party he needs to get in line! He was already looking at another noose session after he said Trump was wrong about him being able to throw the election. 😁


Could Pence do this if the media hadn't censored how long guns were seized INSIDE the Capitol?


He's not going to get my vote b/c he's a Christian weenie.

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