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Nothing but a spotlight-chasing, dumb, vapid, cunt.


I see that Australia does not have a monopoly on dangerous imbeciles.


Yeah, sending American troops into sovereign nations has worked so well in the past, the solution to all foreign affairs........besides sanctions, which also always work as intended.
Besides which, who is Candace Owens? What's her claim to fame? Who cares what she says and why?

Not sure classing peaceful protesters as criminals, pursuing them and seizing assets is the way to go to deal with this. Because that is what this state of emergency has done; to protest is now illegal, a criminal offense. As is supporting the protest in any way.
Cracks me up Ottawa now has a "red zone" ie an area controlled by security forces. Logic says as now "safe" they should have gone with "Green zone", but I suppose that term carries some emotional baggage lol.

puff Level 8 Feb 20, 2022
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