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Cosplay! Who does it? Where do you do it? Who do you dress as?

As for me, I can't say I do much of it. I dabble, a little. I don't do cons. I sort of did the steampunk thing when it was trendy. It was interesting to say the least. Once long ago, we had a small gathering at the Getty in LA. Multi-million dollar pieces of art hanging on the wall, and everyone is following us around and taking our pictures. Sort of surreal.

Other than that, I do a pirate. Not a captain, or anyone in particular. Just sort of a general deck hand. I went for historical accuracy rather than the typical movie pirate stuff. My entire costume is purpose built. Once a year, I attend an event with a group of like minded individuals. We all dress up as pirates, and drink ourselves silly. Imagine being in a bar, when a group of 30+ pirates storm in and take over. It's quite the site.

d_day 7 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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this nerd doesn't know what it is


I've done a few cons with the kids as they've grown up, mostly anime (AWA, Anime Midwest) or sci-fi (Dragon Con), though I tried my first Rennaisance fair this year. Characters: Edward Elric, Graham Specter, steam punk female, Federation Starfleet crew, village maid.

Zster Level 8 Dec 4, 2017
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