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You want to believe and support religious rules then live with the consequences. Nobody should have to change anything for a religious belief, and this idiot Governor should keep her nose out of it


The very worst of humanity.



I think the choice shoudl have been left up to the kids on the team, not the school officials.


Toothless Hillbillies in Alabama.


Gawd prefers hockey.


Wonderful decision!

The school's request was improper, it was absolutely right that they should have to choose whether or not to forfeit.
They made their choice.

Ivey needs to stay the hell out of it, but she can't help herself.

Pandering for votes

@twill Always. They know just how easy it is.


i thought they should have been accommodated

kmaz Level 7 Feb 24, 2022

well, not that my goal is to make people like my posts, but to do more to explain my point of view:

The tournament took place on a weekend, and a lot of us have things that come up at that time. I don't believe in any sort of god, nor do I practice a religion, but it seems to me somewhat petty not to make an effort to meet people partway in this particular situation. I don't think they were asking for much (as I think they pointed out explicitly), and the competing teams were amenable to the moderate change request in schedules. This wasn't the Olympics (such as the famous situation depicted in the movie Chariots of Fire, though I don't know with confidence if that was based on a real incident).

In my own life, while there are times when it is annoying to me to have to drag myself into trying to accommodate people who believe differently than I do, I suspect there are times they could say the same of me. In this context I try to "do unto others as I would have them do unto me". If I'm only asking a moderate thing, I hope they will not be petty. Likewise, if they only ask me for a moderate thing, even if it's to accommodate a superstitious belief of theirs, I will weigh the context and if it seems like denying the accommodation would be petty, I will make the effort to meet them partway.


Oh, yes. The Advent of the seventh day. I didn't know that god liked sports but so many think that he does.


No god speaking up, but their FaceBook Community supports them !

twill Level 7 Feb 24, 2022

Play by stupid rules, get stupid results.

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