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Why people trust in God?

aisha1998 5 Mar 3

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I completely agree with this. The worst thing is depending on some one else to run our lives where as the capability to run it lies with in


Faith kills especially when you believe it controls and rules over you!!!

True. I agree with you.


That's the fallacy of Pascal's wager: If they believe and they're wrong, they've wasted the one life they have. And it shows.


There may be many ‘reasons’ as to why people believe in god. It provides many people with (regardless of their political beliefs), an opportunity to participate in a sense of community that entails practices and rituals, a sense of belonging in which some kind of mutual validation is tacitly sought.

However, I am inclined to think that it relieves them of the effort required to think and is a trait of those who find it easier to believe something, anything that they are told without questioning it.

"There is something feeble, and a little contemptible, about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dare not face this thought, and he therefore cannot carry his own reflection to any logical conclusion." BERTRAND RUSSELL


This is the only life we have. No one has proven there is an afterlife.


Because they are predisposed to do so biologically, culturally, and environmentally, for personal wholeness, social cohesion, and reproductive fitness.

skado Level 9 Mar 3, 2022

Religion is taught to you from an early age, that is what you believe.

Since before recorded history, in all human societies, in all locations where humans live.
I believe what well-established science tells me.



fear of life
fear of death
fear of Hell
Far of God

Fear of reality


I'm with George on this one. Live your life for yourself and not as if you were getting training for an after life that you know nothing of.


Why would any sane person trust in any genocidal maniac of a god?


Ppl would rather believe in some warm and fuzzy feel good bullsh-t than in the cold harshness of reality: there is no God, there is no afterlife and when you're dead, you're dead.

Deal with it.


Because they want to waste their lives and then get a free pass ?


I think because they're led to believe and helps them to get through. Might be silly for us but that's the way it is.

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