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LINK If Trump Had Been Re-Elected, Russians Would Be In Kyiv Already: John Bolton -- An NDTV Exclusive

NDTV is an Indian news channel interview. John Bolton reveals that Trump would've gotten USA out of NATO in his second term. Putin planned his invasion of Ukraine, counting on that. Russia was not emboldened to do this because Biden is president, if Trump had won, Ukraine would already be a part of Russia. John Bolton says Putin's nuclear threats are a bluff. I hope he is right.

barjoe 9 Mar 6

Enjoy being online again!

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There is no doubt in my mind! He would have sold out Ukraine for a hotel and golf course deal.


I don't listen to JB. I don't even use his name.

You should still listen to what he says here. I've never been a fan of his either but he explains how fucked up Trump was, and how he was complacent to Russia.

@barjoe He’s consistently wrong so why would that cause delight? Besides, I said it long before him. Where’s my pat on the back?

@rainmanjr Aw. I never heard you say it. Here's a pat on the back for you. I'm not patting JB on the back tho. I thought it was an enlightening interview and was interestingly granted to an Indian news agency, so I posted it in 'News & Links'. Sorry if that upset you.

@barjoe By keeping his ugly stach floating around he is getting that pat. He goes home and feels like something of a big shot. I pay him zero attention but I'm only mentioning that. Nothing much bothers me, anymore. I have the same commentary about the pillow CEO. People are keeping his name and product in the feeds. I imagine he sells a few product units so he's good with it.

@rainmanjr I respect John Bolton a lot more than Mike Lindell. You think they're the same? I don't. Thanks for the commentary.

@barjoe I think they're equally wrong and get entirely too much publicity.

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