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LINK Watch The Family | Netflix Official Site

From 2019 but still relevant and horrifying.
This is solid evidence of the Christian theocracy the religious right wants to establish in the United States.

BufftonBeotch 8 Mar 13

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I saw it before. It is horrible.


Yes, that documentary further illustrates that religion is a mental illness even more contagious than the worst virus.

I found it so disturbing and frightening I could not get through it.

And I watch serial killer documentaries all time. I thrill laugh through the best and most graphic haunted house attractions.

This thing is more frightening than any of them.

@BufftonBeotch Your fears are not without cause. For reasons I don't understand, most people who are seriously indoctrinated in religion greatly fear those who don't share their belief system...and because of that, can be convinced to do terrible, irrational things to non-believers. It hasn't been very long since the Salem witch trials and other atrocities. And of course, in the Middle East some fanatic true believers still delight in beheading people to carry out Allah's will.


Should this day come it will be the day I start donning these 24/7 but I will find even more graphic images than these shown.

You make these?

@BufftonBeotch I certainly did!!


My dad, thirty years ago, said the worst thing that could happen to the Repuglican party is for the religious zealots would get control. My dad was basically a neo-Fascist so he wasn't a RINO.

That RINO word was invented by the same Tickturd who says ‘covfefe’ and ‘witch hunt’.


I listened to the audiobook about 10 years ago. Very disappointing that such stuff goes on in the US.


Nasty stuff

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 13, 2022
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