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Why is it that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and can't go back to sleep even though nothing is on my mind BUT when I hit "snooze" in the morning, get up to use the euphemism and go back to bed, I'm back asleep in a minute?

Of course the only time I set the alarm is when my darling grandkids are coming. I will have them four days this week as it is spring break. There is a reason why 69 year old women do not have small children.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Mar 14

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LIke someone said. " If I had known grandchildren were this much fun, I would have had them first."


Sound like you are an owl, have difficulty getting to sleep, but then have difficulty waking up. You are not alone.


When my alarm goes off in the morning I am usually the most comfortable and in the best sleep of the night!


Have fun with the kids. I have started to wonder why it is that we do not suffer the things our bodies give us when we are young and can deal with it better, leaving our later yeas without the pain and frustration we now have. I am really hurting today, so I am preoccupied.


I also have insomnia.
I usually get up for an hour (read a book, 'surf' agnostic, etc.) then am able to get a couple more hours of sleep.

I have tried Melatonin with mixed results.



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