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Maggie, my five year old granddaughter, sat for awhile watching me quilt today and then said, "When I'm a grandma, I'm going to do that, too."

I hope she does, and I hope she holds the memory long past the time when I am gone: that is the only "immortality" and the only life after death.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Coincidental that you posted this today. Today would have been my mother's 95th birthday, however she died 50 years ago. Her name was Minnie Mae. Two granddaughters carry her middle name, and my middle daughter was born on her birthday. Her most recently born great granddaughter also carries her middle name. (As luck would have it it is also the middle name of one of her dad's grandmothers.) When I came to realize that xianity was a lie and there is no life in heaven after death I went through a period of mourning that I'd never see my mother again, or see the baby that I lost earlier. I believe as long as someone remembers us we never completely die. And yes, this is why I quilt and craft. There will be reminder to my kids, and grands, and hopefully great grands that I lived and I loved them.


My Danish grandmother quilted quite prodigiously. She seemed to always have a frame set up in her living room. This was in the 60’s.

My sister Kathy, now in her 60’s, took up the art of quilt making a few years ago. She’s doing well with it. 😁


And the only immortality a wise person would wish for.

Most of my life has been spent as a horticulturalist, and gardens are the most ephemeral of arts, just stop weeding and pruning them for a two or five years, and they are half gone. And I find that pleasing, because it means that I will leave no legacy to burden those who follow, gathering dust in some institution.


Awesome hope my grandson remembers me

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 15, 2022
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