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LINK Texas quickly shows the impact GOP voting restrictions can have - The Washington Post

When Republican state legislatures across the country moved to add a raft of new voting restrictions after the 2020 election, a vein of contrarianism ran through some of the analysis. While the states were undoubtedly making it more difficult to vote in response to false claims of widespread voter fraud — and Democrats warned of damage done to democracy — some wagered that it seemed unlikely to have a large impact on election results.

Well, in very short order, the first state to hold a 2022 primary — Texas — has now shown just how big of an impact it can have.

(About 13% or 1 out of 8 mail in ballots in the Texas primary were rejected.)

snytiger6 9 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I said it before and I say it again. I feel sorry for all people that live in that state that not in charge of it.

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