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Would an assumption that atheists don't need to grapple with the age old question "why am I here?

Maggiemay 6 Apr 24

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why bother?


The JW's are very outspoken with it all and the pamphlets they pass out says it. You might read something on it's cover like "Do you want answers to all the age old questions" Well, certainly we do. That's how cults and religions suck you into their system. Do they have answers? NO, they just make things up.
Who am I
Why am I here
Where did I come from
Who are all these others
What is my future

We might define ourselves off of those questions but absolutely nobody has the answers. It's an impossible quest. Live your life the best you can because you do not have an afterlife future.


I'm not grappling with why I am here any longer. I am here now end of story.


I think we only have one shot, one life to live, and we need to fill our lives as best we can with all our whit, imagination and feelings.

cava Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

Why is anything here?


We can decide our own reasons.


Yes. We are our own reason to exist.


I grapple with the question of making purpose in life. It's not that hard.

gearl Level 8 Apr 24, 2018

I'm here because my mother and father had sex, duh!

I don't trouble myself beyond that, oh wait, yes, I know why I'm here, to serve my cat!


I just live one day at a time.


All sorts of people have grappled with this question regardless of their beliefs. What is the purpose of life? My father had his answer: to live. (He died young. He worked too hard overcoming obstacles at a young age.) For me, I believe it helps to have gratitude for this amazing gift of life. Then, with that attitude, the chances are you will make the most of it, not waste it, and try to create meaning to your existence.

You'd make a good Jew. Most of their prayers give thanks for things, and don't ask for things. I do give thanks for things, my pension and Social Security, but I don't pray about it!

@Lincster45 I don't pray about it either.


Everyone grapples with it. My conclusion is that I decide the reason I'm here, not anyone or anything else.

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