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Thank goodness Windows didn't choose a nude as a screen saver.

"I don't know tech-speak. What's it called?" I asked a friend. Needed the correct word to search for. It's maddening.

Windows has taken my computer hostage. This hiking photo of me showed on the screen when it went dark. That got old fast.

"It's called a screen saver," he replied. "Screen saver!" I repeated, delighted. "I need to write that down."

So I made a folder of favorite hiking photos to use as a screen saver slide show. It delights me to see them.


  1. Me at Lake Colchuck, WA. Sheepish after changing into a dry shirt.

  2. Mt. Stuart and the Enchantment Mountains from Tronsen Ridge, WA.

  3. Lake Ingalls, WA. Lake, cliffs and sky.

  4. Pacific Crest Trail with Mountain Columbine flowers, WA.

  5. Lake Minotaur, WA.

LiterateHiker 9 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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NIce selection of pics.


Me thinks that all those are lovely and you would have made so many men here happy if one of them was in your birthday suit.


All beautiful

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 21, 2022

Lovely!!... Nice landscapes also!!


Now we’re all wondering about some of the other pics on your hard driveπŸ˜‰


An old boyfriend is a wonderful photographer. I have always been one of his favorite subjects.

In 2016 he drove from New Mexico and took a series of tasteful lingerie shots and nudes. It reminds me to work out. Here are two photos he took over the years.

  1. Age 25, backpacking in Olympic National Park, WA.

  2. Age 62. Black lingerie.

@LiterateHiker πŸ˜…πŸ”₯

@LiterateHiker I see why.

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