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UK self-styled chemical weapons expert Hamish de Bretton-Gordon attributed with creating the Obama US-led dirty war on Syria leaving ongoing problems for the citizens is now seemingly replaying the script in Ukraine. More words of mass deception to result in atrocities by Americans against civilians?

"Ever since the conflict began, Kiev has exhibited an endless enthusiasm for lying, having distorted or even outright concocted events and facts whole-cloth to advance its objectives on countless occasions." writes Kit Klarenburg


What I found not only fascinatingly stupid but I would have thought incriminating of US complicity in creating the current tensions is this statement attributed to Hamish de Bretton-Gordon:
"The self-styled chemical weapons expert has even cautioned that Putin could deploy nuclear weapons or create a pandemic “more deadly than Covid” with an Ebola weapon. He has further speculated that Russian forces may unleash a deadly virus seized from one of several Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine, then blame it on the U.S." Presumably Hamish de Bretton-Gordon has had briefing of the true purpose of these laboratories?

FrayedBear 9 Mar 26

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OH look yet another rabbit hole

Since they invented tractors more powerful than a team of horses and chemical warfare on bunnies there haven't been as many bunny burrows as there used to be!
Gotta savour every one we find these days. Calcivirus & myxamatosis have been fairly brutal on the numbers.


Don't you ever get tired of bullshit?

You know I'm tolerant. I don't froth or get angry on reading your responses!

@FrayedBear I'm not angry, your posts are absurd to the point of comedy, so they are enjoyable.

I asked a simple question.

@Alienbeing I never suggested that you are angry.
I rarely answer stupid questions, it frequently results in being dragged down to the questioner's level of imbecility.

@FrayedBear Perhaps I should have said "I am not angry either". You love to pick apart everything, for no reason, and your reference to "imbecility" not only with me, but many others, shows you have a very (yet unfounded) high opinion of yourself.

You aren't hard to correct, get over yourself.

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