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The World Health Organization is examining potential hearing problems linked to Covid vaccines...


Dyl1983 8 Mar 28

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I developed unilateral objective tinnitus after getting Covid March 2020.


I would presume my ear ringing is due to excessively loud music. It preceded my vaccinations. Headphones, earbuds, car stereos, stupidity, Tool, Slayer…


It sounds like people are grasping.

I wonder what the incidence of hearing problems is in the general population irrespective of the vaccine.
534 / 11 billion is about 0.0005 percent unless I made a math error.

From the link:

The WHO reported 367 cases of tinnitus and 164 cases of hearing loss globally among people who had received a Covid-19 vaccine, usually within a day of the shot. That's out of more than 11 billion doses of Covid vaccine given worldwide, so the hearing problems seem to be extremely rare.

...extremely rare and not due to Covid 19.

The link tries to link it to the vaccine but it sounds very subjective especially at those low rate numbers.

Again from the link.

The WHO reported 367 cases of tinnitus and 164 cases of hearing loss globally among people who had received a Covid-19 vaccine, usually within a day of the shot.


I’m ninety one and have had tinnitus for fifty years.

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