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What's the dumbest question you asked your child?

"Claire, would you like to learn how to make hospital corners?" I asked.

"No," she replied and walked away.

As a registered nurse, my mother taught me to make a bed neatly.

LiterateHiker 9 Apr 7

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I did voluntary work in hospitals. It's really the neatest way to make a bed. I use mostly fitted sheets now so as neat😊


I asked one of my kids to sweep the dining room, kitchen and front room while I was out shopping...he responded, "SURE THING DAD" ... I came home to find him with the electric leaf blower in his hands and a house full of dust...he looked at me and said, "What???" ... smfh


After 6 years in the Army, I did not ask my kids if they'd like to learn something that is extra work. I said, "C'mere kid, let me show you the right way to do it." I know they know how, and I don't care if they do it or not. I was not a stickler for how they kept their stuff, unless it got too far out of control and affected the rest of the family. Then all hell broke loose. The daughter who was most unorganized/untidy has morphed into the most organized, tidy person in the family.


I'm with Claire. Hospital corners make it difficult to kick your feet out when you want to cool down. 😅

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