When I read this I thought of the Christian god and his baby killing ways. Does this mean it's just ingrained in some species to be heartless or does this point to a malevolent "being". Thoughts on this post?
Have you read Three Worlds Collide on LessWrong?
No, but I'll add it to my list
It's what they do. Part of natural selection process. Like lions hunt their prey these find their food this way. Morals r not part of their life like how humans think morally.
Insects are like many other species--they're programmed by chemistry and ''heartlessness'' has no meaning in their world. Empathy and compassion aren't necessary for them. There's no waste in nature and evolution pivots on that point. (WOW! I never said it in quite that way before...it's true.)
Very well put ?
Nature, red in tooth and claw.
Anytime people are brainwashed away from reality and our nurturing species into theocratic patriarchal lies MORE EVIL FOLLOWS because zero alleged gawds stop believers from crimes