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More votes than any president in American history.


CourtJester 7 Apr 16

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That’s what happens when you have a senile president. People should be ashamed they voted for him.



It could be worse. Ivanka Trump and Putin would be running the country.

I don’t know. Putin knew to sit is ass still in Moscow when Trump was in the White House. Now that we have a guy that doesn’t remember where he’s standing; Putin knows that no one will hit him back.
That’s who you voted for. Ukrainians are dying because of your vote.


@CourtJester So you have more faith in a man who attacked his own government on Jan.6th? A loser with the verbal, intellectual and emotional range of a 5-year-old? A pathological liar and serial swindler of Brobdingnagian proportions? A twice impeached political gangster who is hellbent on wrecking democracy? That’s your hero? Really?

@NostraDumbass I don’t know. The first guy from January 6th was acquitted.

It wasn’t as big a deal as you hoped .

@CourtJester Tell that to the families of the people who died that day. (And OJ was acquitted too. But still guilty of murder).

We were in a hell of a lot better shape when Trump was president!!

@NostraDumbass I sure as hell don’t have any confidence in that senile piece of shit Biden and his democrap cohorts!!

@Trajan61 The belief that Biden is senile is just another lie Republicans tell themselves to justify their slavish, mindless support for Trump. Seriously, this amoral cretin has infected your minds like a virus to the point where you honestly can’t see that Jan. 6th really was an attempted coup (albeit a laughably inept and idiotic one). That actually makes a Trump a traitor, not a hero. Same goes for any and every American who continues to support him. You are not patriots, you are traitors. “Hang Mike Pence. Hang Mike Pence.” Come on, sing along if you know the words.

A lie by the Republicans???
The guy can’t even read a teleprompter. White House spokes people have to clarify to the news and other nations on what he meant after he speaks. The turned around to shake hands when no one was there and then stood confused staring at a wall.
You don’t want it to be fact, but the man has fallen well into dementia.

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