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QUESTION Liz Crokin: Trump Is 'God's Anointed' And 'Never Wrong' | Right Wing Watch

If you ever need proof that the Abrahamic
God, if he exists (.01% or less probability), is a racist, misogynistic asshole . . . here ya go.

NerdyOkieDude 7 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there something in the water? Are the Russians really blasting us with ultrasonic whatever? My goodness!

gearl Level 8 Dec 4, 2017

Croakin on Crokin

godef Level 7 Dec 4, 2017

What a blithering idiot! this Crokin is!


I got through half of this article and gave up in disgust. It isn't as if I don't crave knowledge, it's only that this article is redundant to the myriad arguments I've had with TRUMPers since the election. Furthermore, it cements my already firmly held belief that to be a TRUMPer you have to be either too dumb to think for yourself, or too mean spirited to care about others.

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