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US government's secret UFO program may have considered nuking the moon, newly released reports reveal


TheoryNumber3 8 Apr 20

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Don't freak out about the crazy things the government proposes. Remember, half of them are Republicons.


Extract from article: "...the report - prepared for the DIA - warns that such objects may be a "threat to United States interests. Humans have been found to have been injured from "exposures to anomalous vehicles, especially airborne and when in close proximity", it reads. The report noted that often these injuries are related to electromagnetic radiation - and links them to "energy related propulsion systems". It lists injuries such as heating and burn injuries from radiation, damage to brain, and the able to impact people's nerves."


From this article comes: "And this includes burns, heart problems, sleep disturbances - and even bizarre occurrences such as "apparent abduction" and "unaccounted for pregnancy".


I'm not sure if it was Sgt. Penniston, but I recall that a serviceman suffered ill effects following the incidents at Rendalsham AFB incidents. Somehow AF authorities (or CIA) deemed his medical records to be classified top secret. As a consequence, he could not obtain proper medical attention. Only years later did the AF allow the release of this guy's medical records, but in so doing, admitted that his symptoms were familiar, that some number of other victims with similar symptoms had been recorded.


Interesting article.

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