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Infinity war election

I've been noticing a lot of anti-Trump posts today. Would you have really rather had Hillary? I put up a poll with a couple of other choices. Please feel free to explain why.

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Phoenix1976 5 Apr 25

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I liked Bernie, but knew that he wouldn't have a chance. So I voted for Hilary. I'd do it again tomorrow, if given the chance.


Anyone who thinks Trump is a better President than Clinton would have been is almost too stupid to live. Almost any other mammal on the planet would be better suited for the job than that amoral piece of shit. ?


I honestly believe he would have beaten Donny if the DNC would have backed him.

He has some great progressive ideas, I just wish he would have laid off using the word "socialist" or "socialist programs."
The word can freak out people who don't know what it means.


If I could have my rathers I’d rather have Bernie. But I would pick Hillary any day over President Piss Stain!


Bernie because he's:
(a) a real person (Iron Man otherwise)
🍺 would have rolled back the dooms day clock, not advanced it
☕ he's a bit right wing for Canadians but at least he's close enough in his politics for us to get along with


I wrote this a few months before the election when everyone was bashing Hilary about emails and Bengazi. I still stand by it. I think she is a hardworking, stone faced, skilled politician. She would have systematically continued with the policies Obama started and didn't get to finish such as prison reform, and continued to work on making the new health care system functional as possible (although Id prefer single payer). To this day I believe she could have done more good than anyone to move us in the right direction.

I agreed with a lot of Bernie's rhetoric but he got all red faced whenever confronted and seemed unrealistic in the things he wants to do. I think he would have been divisive and not capable of getting as much done. Also I am convinced he took down Diane Rheme with his frivolous temper tantrum on her show. I will never forgive him for that.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 25, 2018

Hillary was the only Democrat that could lose that election against Trump. She was so cocksure she would win, she neglected to shore up support in the states she lost by a narrow margin. She did not get to be "Queen For A Day."

She also was an unlikable shrew. That didn't help, and we know the republicans hated her more than Obama.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

Let’s try the “none of the above” option.


im voting for my doggo. she is a bully breed, so most people are to scared to mess with her. but anyone who has known her for more than 5 minutes has pretty much fallen in love by then, that combo alone, being frindly and likable while still clearly being bad ass enough to take on anything, can go a long way with relations abroad and at home. she is protective, without being overly nervous, shes a great judge of character, and im almost positive shes smarter and more mentally stable than any of the other candidates. so yeah, vote butters for president!

Byrd Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

Iron man, realistically Bernie though. Hillary was a pretty bleh choice just like Trump imo.

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