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They lied.

Retiredsteve 7 May 4

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The Republican nominees have always lied during confirmation hearings ever since Bork, so what else is new? That's why the hearings, for decades, have been nothing but a show for both parties to posture with.


The ONLY way to "get hired" for the position is to tell the politicians what they want/expect to hear.
Why would anyone expect anything different? 😛

Innocence, due to being taught fake history, is why we expect something different.

America's ruling class puts a lot of effort and money into continuing to rule. We have to add to their numbers.

How do you suggest we do that?

@yvilletom "we expect something different"

Since you/anyone haven't/can't demonstrate ANY downside (other than not "get hired" ) for nominees not being fully forthcoming (lying) to POLITICIANS (how many folks expect to hear the 'truth' from politicians), I conclude that YOUR 'expectations' are foolish.

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