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LINK An Open Letter to Bitter Hillary Voters on Bernie Bros, Susan Sarandon, and Roe v. Wade

An Open Letter to Bitter Hillary Voters on Bernie Bros, Susan Sarandon, and Roe v. Wade

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"With all due respect for our founding documents, “rights” are not inalienable, and they don’t come from our creator. Rather, rights are won by humans through human struggle, and are protected through human solidarity. In that most fateful election of 2016, the Hillary faithful expressed no support whatsoever for what we in the Bernie camp, along with every other major country on the planet, viewed as the fundamental human right to healthcare and medicine.

In fact, as you well remember, you told us all to go fuck ourselves. And in November, many of us returned the sentiment. We didn’t owe you any more than that then, and we certainly don’t owe you an apology for it now. So even if we are most to blame for Trump’s election and its consequences, I maintain we had no obligation to stand up for your rights when you clearly had no interest in standing up for ours.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, if you really want to secure reproductive rights in this country, now would be the time to give your beloved Democratic politicians an ultimatum: use your power to abolish the filibuster and codify federal protections for abortion access, or we’re never voting to give you that power again. And if you want to avoid these crises in the future, join the struggle for single-payer healthcare, the only way to codify all forms of healthcare as basic human rights, no more or less sacred than any others.

The ball’s in your court. Choose wisely for a change."

WilliamCharles 8 May 6

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Vote harder!



That site has a comment section. I combined those two and added a little more and posted my response to him!


I guess they are all Bernie bros?? Cause a similar letter could be sent right back. "Hey, women who refused to vote for HRC, you're about to lose your autonomy, are you still happy about what you did? Now maybe you'll learn to vote your conscience in the primary but then get the fuck in line and vote your party, whoever it is, when the general comes. And what exactly did you do all this for? Not only did the opposing side not give you what you wanted, but they spent 4 years attacking the thing you had. Congratulations."

Also, now that I went and read the first half of the letter, the author tried to claim that the two scenarios, voting for Bernie in the primary and voting for HRC in the general, were equivalent in their ability to provide each camp their desired outcome. Nothing could be further from the truth. To vote for HRC causing her win is literally the end of what they would need to do to protect women's reproductive rights. Clinton could have sat on her hands for 1462 days and women in this country would have maintained the right to choose. Conversely, a vote for Bernie in the primary still would have needed him to win the general (which, by the way, also means that HRC supporters would have needed to not be self-destructive, vindictive little bitches like the "bros" were) and win enough seats in congress, likely still have to eliminate the filibuster (which we probably don't even have the votes for now), write the legislation, and get both the House and Senate to pass it.


The ball is always in both courts.

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