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Russian journalists hack the main new networks in Russia. This is what we need in this country to counter all the lies from the republican party. []

JackPedigo 9 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Saw this on Rachel Maddow Monday night and loved it. Since then I've been posting the following to random Russian accounts on Instagram:

«На ваших руках кровь тысяч украинцев и сотен убитых детей. Телевидение и власть лгут. Нет войне».

"The blood of thousands of Ukrainians and hundreds of murdered children is on your hands. TV and the authorities are lying. No to war."


NOT a fan of hackers/hacking but in this case - Nice hacking!.


There's a difference. We don't have a state-run media. People here believe lies, not because they have no source for the truth, but because they want to believe them.

No but we do have some really trusted media and it would be nice if they pushed back more against the lies. NPR and PBS try to appeal to the mainstream but that means no upsetting the right wing idiots.

@JackPedigo I think they are pushing back but not against the right target; religion. That the MSM seems to have a respect for that is never questioned on-air. We need more people who will push into that area of inquiry and ridicule.

@JackPedigo @rainmanjr Yes, I'm exasperated at the way PBS gives GQP propagandists abundant time to tell their lies, and does nothing to fact-check their BS afterwards. I've stopped contributing to them as a consequence. And yes, the religious component of GQP fascism gets wholesale censorship, along with how Putin has been fostering division using the evangelicals and NRA.

@racocn8 We need many more folks like you. To quote Bartle's and James, "Thanks for your support."

@racocn8 Unfortunately, this is the result of fair journalism. Each side gets its say whether it's crap or not. One thing that keeps this going is that PBS get a government subsidy.

@JackPedigo I believe I understand your point. However, I don't consider it to be fair journalism to broadcast disinformation uncritically. Certain actors are infamous for their dishonesty and misleading statements, but PBS airs it anyway, at length. PBS in particular receives money from Koch which has engaged in seditious acts (Conspiring to develop and distribute state-tailored legislative language to suppress voting) among a host of other radically partisan behavior. PBS content, and censorship, reflects a bias that is far from fair.

@racocn8 PBS and NPR (in my area) always acknowledge their contributors. Point is they also want those that disagree with them to listen/watch. Perhaps it is felt minds can be changed. I recently submitted a post whereby CNN (I think) offered Faux Noise 'victims' money to change to the a more liberal station. Afterward they did a survey and most say they did learn but still went back to faux. Faux Noise is for entertainment not news. People want to be titillated but eventually they start to actually believe the crap that is spouted. Too many refuse to admit they are pliable. The liberal media tries to play by the rules but the conservatives don't care by any rules especially ones they may have to follow. The choice seems to be, play by the rules and crash or join the bottom feeders.

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