One weapons grade idiot recently said that I had not one shred of evidence of the non-existence of the Abrahamic god. I forbore to point out to him that he had not one shred of evidence for the non-existence of Zeus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Odin, the Committee of Little White Mice, the God of Akhenaten, the Mentor of Arisia, Quetzalcoatl, and Kali.
It is correctly said extreme ideas require extreme proof. Lack of counter evidence is not extreme proof but grasping at mythical straws.
They have a knack of turning logical argument on its head because they think they hold the trump card of proof of the existence of god by using Christian scripture as evidence. No matter what logic you try to use in an argument about evidence or lack of…the devout believer always cites the bible or quotes scripture as proof positive of the existence of god. It’s like flogging a dead horse so I just don’t go there anymore and leave them to their delusions.
Yes, I have seen that often where they claim that their claim of god is evidence of god. They leave me alone after I have annoyed the crap out of them on that particular logical fallacy.
The scriptures were written by men to service and benefit men. Why would I believe in the god of scriptures any more than I would believe in the monsters in a Stephen King novel?
Writers of fantasy and horror go back to the beginning of the written word.
Why fulfill Abraham prophesy if theres not evidence for abraham god?
Abraham prophesy from his style God says people will give a lot, or great reference to the name of Abraham. So, as much as people keep fulfilling Abraham prophesy, why do they continue to fulfill Abraham prophesy if Abraham God doesn't exist?