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What do you think of separate rooms for couples?

I just thought of this after answering another question on pets, sleeping,and relationships.
If I were to ever live with someone again I would definitely have separate rooms. In my last marriage I used to sneak off to the extra bedroom all the time. I always slept better alone with my animals.

Kriptikos 6 Apr 25

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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I like it. You each have your space to decorate to suit you, and a place to retreat to when needed. I am a restless sleeper and that makes it hard for me to relax when sharing a bed knowing l might be disturbing the other person.


When I'm asleep, I couldn't care less who is next to me, unless they are cover hogs, keep hitting me by tossing and turning, or snore. So I agree with separate beds or bedrooms. Of course, it is nice when one person sneaks in to cuddle or 'make love' (have sex) in the middle of the night, occasionally. Sleep has always been important in my life.


Hmmm... i guess a lot of people need their space. Never ever thought about this like they see it. I suppose older people move past the holding of a partner during the night or maybe even touching them during the night. We read and talk to each other till we fall asleep. The dogs have a bed on my wifes side of the bed. It works for us.

I will say this about the master bedroom. I just sleep there. I only have the night stand on my side of the bed. Everything else is my wifes. I have spare bedroom for my clothes and i use the spare bathroom. She has the walk in closet and all the dressers and all the master bathroom. Ive set it up like its all hers. She also has the closet in the other spare bedroom. Hmmm... she had her own house when we got married so i made it easy for her transitioning. It works well for us. That big bathroom of hers is loaded with her stuff. The closet too. Shes 5 foot 2 inches tall. Im 6 foot 3 inches tall. I over tower her. Im afraid if she gets to close to me i may bump into her. When i cook... she stays out of the kitchen. Im like a train if we bump into each other... lol. I want move ... she'll get ran


No problem, my ex snored loudly and we had separate rooms. I now prefer that my girlfriends have their own house.


I am all for separate rooms.
I keep two rooms here that are mine,
if I have a lady over, she has my room and I take my spare, it is always set up for me so no dramas.


The beginning of the end


Well, if my significant other slept with pets in the bed, I'd want to go to a separate room, if the animal was smelly or affects my allergies. I love to have an arm around me as I sleep, but not too sure about a wet nose or a wagging tail. I'm a bit picky about pets... have met a few I adored, but some others I wouldn't want in my bed.


I snore my bloody head off so my wife decided that I have to have my own bedroom!

Athos Level 5 May 5, 2018

Whatever you're comfortable with.


For me absolutely if one is a snorer. I am very quiet and a light sleeper and I hate getting my sleep disturbed.


After we all left home, my dad moved into my brother's room but I don't think I would want to do that with my mate, if I ever find one. I'd want to spend as much time with him as possible.


Aha moment sneaking to the other room -why are you in a relationship then in the first place

Rosh Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

Because they love each other? Just because you don't sleep in the same room doesn't mean you don't love each other. Right now my fiance and I don't live in the same house but we love each other. We used to live together but not right now. Why are we in a relationship if we're not sleeping in the same house let alone room? Because we love each other.


Marriage is about the two becoming one flesh so I see nothing wrong with the two in one bedroom but what I believe in is in every relationship without good communication,understanding each other it cannot hold,if you love someone you must care ,understand him or her in every way and allow peace to rule


I am against it. My wife(whoever she will) should sleep next to me. We can cuddle,intertwin our legs. No pets on my bed. How can you tell if your partner has not hidden another person in the separate bedroom.

That sounds like a trust issue!


Separate bedrooms? No, the pups would have to learn to sleep on the floor or in their own bed.

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