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Fugitive journalist Shane Dowling reports that Australia yet again falls down the scale of most corrupt countries & countries failing to enable press freedom. How did your country fair?

"journalists around the country are being threatened and intimidated regularly by the rich and powerful which impacts on Australia’s democracy and the best thing we can do is shine a light on it."
And -
"journalists around the country are being threatened and intimidated regularly by the rich and powerful which impacts on Australia’s democracy and the best thing we can do is shine a light on it." Shane Dowling 15 May 2022

FrayedBear 9 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I live in Brazil. One of the most corrupted countries in the world

I'm probably still alive because I wasn't offered a job there nearly 50 years ago. An interesting country.


I have not personally checked into it but I believe this is happening all over. Politicians know what to say because of bogus issues and journalists are not always believed. We can thank Trump and his crowd for that education. I currently do not know of other journalists like Shane Dowling being on the run. There was recently a journalist apparently shot and killed by Israelis. Everyone who knew her said she was a wonderful person.

i don't know how to sort out who shot her and how it happened. certainly not because the palistinians say so. their veracity index is close to zero.

@holdenc98 like American veracity & their words of mass deception?

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