If you came out of religion to agnosticism or atheism, is there religious music you still find moving? I find myself, from time to time, listening to songs that really got to me in my Christian youth and still find them pleasant,
In Judaism there is much music from film, stage and dance. I enjoy Hatikva, Hava Nagila, and non-religious musical scores like Fiddler on the Roof. Cultural not strictreligion.
'Amazing Grace' still makes me tear up every time. Not necessarily the religious part but that a slaver could have the awakening of moral courage strong enough to recognize the evils of his ways AND then do something about it. I try to match that courage...
Odd point that. The writer was from my home town (Liverpool) and from what I understand is that he wrote it before becoming an abolitionist. Apparently he was shipwrecked off the coast of Africa and it was his rescue that was his grace.
Really? It had nothing to do with changing his views on slavery? Guess I'll have to look that up.
Read a piece on the Biography web site by David Sheward (don't know how to do links) and you're right he originally wrote it after surviving a near catastrophe at sea but it was the beginning of his gradual awakening to abolitionism and christianity.