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It is getting colder and colder -1C 33.8 F during the night. So happy to have a warm bed.

Jolanta 9 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Better move North, to the equator.
Don't move further North to here, it's already hitting 30, and getting hotter. .... and it's only mid-morning.


Sorry to be a pedant, but, 33.8 F is nearer to plus one C.

Well Mr Google must be wrong then.


Winter nights (warm blankets) are my favorites! Especially because I sleep with a tall man and a little dog! 🙂




Oh the Southern Hemisphere! We are expecting 97°F (36°C). I guess your toilets flush counterclockwise as well. I suppose if I should visit Australia I should do it in February.

February is still rather warm but then it all depends where in Australia you go. Up north it is always hot.

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