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LINK Supreme Court to weigh Christian web designer's free speech argument against anti-discrimination law - Washington Times

The ongoing battle on the part of Christian artists and entrepreneurs to legally refuse business they contend would force them to violate their faith is back for another round in the Supreme Court.

Lorie Smith, a Colorado web designer who will have her case heard during the court’s 2022 term, argues that the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act forces her to create websites that celebrate same-sex marriages in violation of her faith.

Her case comes four years after a Christian baker from Colorado also took his First Amendment fight to the high court after refusing to create a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding.

snytiger6 9 May 19

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I hope the bitch loses the case and learns her faith is a bunch of bs.


Perhaps I’m missing something here, but the simple solution would seem to me to elect to be a freelance artist or independent contractor. A freelancer can pick and choose their projects without fear of recourse. Organizing a business (i. e., registering with the Secretary of State in which the business is formed and the Internal Revenue Service) automatically opens it up to laws, policies and guidelines that are designed to be inclusionary rather than exclusionary.


Colorado muddied its case against the baker with commenary. I hope Colorado did better this time.

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