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5 megabyte hard drive being shipped out of IBM In 1956.

Sierra4 8 May 20

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I also remember the late 80's early 90's when we were told that IBM would rather bury these huge machines rather than give them to 3rd world countries to empower them with knowledge & enable practical experience.


I never forget reading that research was underway to develop storage of about 1cm³ that could hold all the world's data. That was about 30 years ago.

It was only recently that I realised id been using it for quite a while - USB flash drives, SD cards, SSD hardware!

If i live long enough I'm sure that I'll have something the size of a grain of sand put under my skin that will contain all that information & pass it directly into my conscious, or subconscious, brain.


My Vic 20 came with all of 5 kilobytes or RAM.


We may laugh, but it was that old technology that made today's technology possible.


My brother used to work with things like that at MIT.

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