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"US President Joe Biden vows to act on gun laws after 18 children killed in mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Texas": [] Didn't ex-President Barack Obama say much the same thing a few years ago? Here is my one dollar against your one cent that Congress blocks Biden on this one.

anglophone 9 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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This is what I want to happen. The dems should kill the fillibuster and bring the gun control background check up for a vote. It should be televised and every congressman who votes against it must explain to the American people why he voted against the bill. Also all the donations by the gun lobby for that congressman should be posted on the TV screen as he's talking. Yeah, i know it'll never happen. But I could at leaste think and pray about it

It's not going to happen. The Republicans are far too jealous of their privilege and their power. They will guard that position regardless of how many children they cause to be killed as a consequence of that guarding.

@anglophone Democrats can kill the filibuster any time they want to. They do not need Reoublican cooperation to do that. So much for your political knowledge.

@Alienbeing I know they can but there are 2 who will not vote to kill the fillibuster. My political knowledg encompasses that bit of information.

@starwatcher-al Wow! You remember that 2 Democrats don't march in lock step. Newsflash! That is no accomplishment, nor does it correct what I said in any manner.

The POINT was, Democrats do not need Republican votes to kill the filibuster. That was and remains a mathematical fact. The additional fact that not all Democrats (or for that matter all Republicans) don't always agree is irrelevant, and actually a good thing. We hopefully elect representatives, not Party stooges.


Sadly true. And even if they would pass a restrictive gun law (very unlikely), chances are our current Supreme Court would overturn it based on precedent.


Biden does not have the power to pass gun control legislation by himself.

BD66 Level 8 May 24, 2022

Nothing will happen. He’ll forget his speech by the time he wakes up tomorrow

Nothing will happen because Americans love their guns more than their children. Glad I live in Canada.

@NostraDumbass We are glad you live there too.

I’ve been to Canada. Enjoy the hell out of it. It’s a crap country.

@CourtJester Yeah, the universal health care, low crime rate, rarely seen gun violence, easy access to reproductive rights, complete lack of fundy Christian interference in the educational system, no insurrections and no political equivalent to Christian Dominionism or Toxic Trumpism can be a real downer to someone like you who prefers the chaos and madness of American “Exceptionalism”.

@NostraDumbass Yeah. We have free speech and freedom. My condolences to you.
If it helps you sleep better; the US is the greatest monetary funder of your shit nation’s policies. .

You’re welcome.

@CourtJester I have a homework assignment for you. Pick your favourite internet search engine and enter the words BEST COUNTRIES TO LIVE IN. Read it and weep, Homer.

And here’s a book suggestion for you in order to limber up your languishing brain cells: Third World America:How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream by Arianna Huffington.

P.S. Got free speech and freedom here, too. And, to repeat, none of our politicians are actively trying to destroy these things, either, like yours are.




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