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From one of my posts on Facebook:

Ephesians 6:5
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ."
What ever happened to "Slaves, revolt against slavery?"
Oh, they must have been DESTINED by "god" to be slaves? The supreme being doing nothing about slavery, and appears to not give a shit?
Trick is, this was written in a time when slavery was common and accepted, and, this so-called, invented "god", had no idea that a time would come when slavery would be abolished.
In fact, given that it was written at an earlier time does not prove a thing about its morality, authenticity, reliability, or truth.

Archeus_Lore 7 May 30

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How can you have respect and fear and also have a sincere heart?


But if your master is a muslim or hindu or jain or one of those other heathen religions then of course you should rise up and smite the unjust master. But if your master is an xtian then they are just and righteous and you should obey them.


Since the bible was written by men to benefit men, then is it surprising that they wanted slaves to serve them. That's what happens when some people think they are superior to others. They use and abuse them as their god given right.

Betty Level 8 May 30, 2022
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