Depp verdict is in and Johnny came out the victor. . . I am a staunch feminist, but just because a woman makes claims doesn't mean that they are fact. I watched some clips of Heard on Youtube; if her acting is as lousy in movies as it was in the courtroom, I have no idea how she makes in Hollywood.
The trial was a diversion; now, let's get serious and figure out how to prevent school shootings.
If you want to see her act watch the first part of "Zombieland" she plays 406 and turns into a zombie which the main character has to battle. Pretty funny, I know you do not have a TV but the scene might be on youtube.
The trial was ridiculous, especially as "news." 2 grown-ups who got married, then acted like children. My guess is their marriage mirrored thousands if not millions of other failed marriages. I paid little attention to the trial. What little I caught, I wouldn't want to spend much time with either one. It seems to me that both just wanted to hurt each other. That all said, Depp did appear to be slightly more of the adult.