Another mental defective goes around killing people in the U$A because he is angry: [] . Welcome to life (and death) under the NRA/GOP.
If shooting like this keep increasing year after year, the US will look like a war zone.
Hence my reference elsewhere on here to Putin's puppets in this regard.
@anglophone What ever happened to "make love not war"? Were their sex lives so bad that they had to compensate with firearms?
@Betty Would that it was that simple. It is easier and simpler to pull a trigger than it is to address one's own emotional issues.
@anglophone If emotional issues weren't ridiculed as weakness, maybe they would be taken more seriously instead ignoring the problems and allowing them to grow into frustration then anger.
@Betty Maybe it's time to re-brand what it is to be a man: "A real man takes ownership of his own worries and fears."
@anglophone Be still my beating heart. Now you're talking.