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Just semantics? Is there a difference between an affair and a one night stand?

People keep talking about Stormy Daniels' 'affair' with Trump. Every thing I've read said it was a one time event. When I see the word 'affair', I'm more likely to think of an on-going situation.

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ladyprof70 7 Apr 26

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Trump has been having an affair with his own character and intellect for years. He keeps chasing it, lusting after it, searching and longing for it; flirting with it only to discover it's a delusional fantasy, yet he remains in denial about it.


If any of these actions took place it could be deemed a one night stand.
If either party:

  1. leaves the premises via a window
  2. runs to a mode of transportation while barefoot or holding at least two items of clothing in their hands.
  3. later the next day, attempts to break-in to the scene of the crime to retrieve evidence or something of value.
    ***all the above is listed under "walk of shame" and is clear evidence that a one night stand took place.

While I think they're different, both have the same affect - loss of trust, unless there is an agreed "open relationship" ahead of time. And I wouldn't necessarily classify a one night stand as a relationship - more like an event; an ongoing affair would be a relationship.


Probably a lot of semantics; if you agree to be involved sexually and/or intimately with another person exclusively, going outside of the relationship is cheating/affair whatever you want to call it. If you are in a committed relationship, it doesn't really matter if it was once or one hundred times. IMO


A one night stand is a night of fun and then it’s done. An affair is more prolonged fun, usually with one person involved cheating on their current partner.


One night stand is one night and bye. Stormy Daniels was a one night stand he strung along to get in her pants again by promising to get her on the Apprentice.


I think they are different. Two people getting drunk in a hotel bar and falling into bed is, in my view, a vastly different thing than an on-going love affair.


Personally, I would always put my children's welfare first. In the past I have turned down affairs for that reason. And I believe that is why Melania is still with Donald; she is doing what she thinks is best for her son.


I confess, had a one night stand with my divorce attorney. No, really.

@FortyTwo Good one. ?


A one night stand is just a one time, no strings attached, sexual romp. It can also be an affair if one or more of the people involved are also in monogamous relationships with others.

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