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LINK Turns Out Peter Navarro May Be Ever So Slightly Full Of Sh*t - Above the LawAbove the Law

Peter Navarro’s plan to defend himself pro se against contempt of congress charges was never really on the rails. But just a week after his arrest, the unfortunate vehicle has left the tracks and plummeted all the way to the bottom of Crazytown Ravine.

Navarro left the courthouse and launched himself into a scrum of microphones to claim that he’d been deprived of food and water, placed in leg irons, and denied the right to counsel. He went on to repeat the allegations to an array of sympathetic media outlets, including Fox’s Tucker Carlson, who wondered if it was even legal to arrest a guy who never sold fentanyl and does yoga.

snytiger6 9 June 12

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And is white with lots of money! Not even a known pedophile! How dare they!


Want to bet he was being recorded the entire time?

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