I'm thinking I'll go with a lap dog.
Mine gets to sleep all day. His only job is to look cute.
But, a tree could be nice too. A banyan tree would be amazing.
I didn't realize you had a choice. I guess you're just being sarcastic.
Do I have to be reborn?
a mosquito
@ogtirof Whack it off!
I'd like to come back as me, and get me right this time.
Great answer!
Well said
What if you are getting it right this time?
@TommyMeador: You'd think it would "feel" right if that was the case.
I am in my 17th reincarnation as me... "Cant get it right" is the headline in my soul dozier. Only thing I know to be is how to be human.
Bonobo. All they do is fuck.
Real noble goal there FR.
The Bonobo has nothing on the lovebug:
Copulation 2-3 days, lifespan 3-4 days
Male lovebugs will copulate with a female and will remain paired up until the female has been fully fertilized. Copulation takes place for 2–3 days before the female detaches and lays her eggs and dies. Adult females have been recorded to live up to seven days while adult males may live up to two to five days but on average lovebugs will live three to four days.
Sorry, that's only their adult life.
I know.. I moved down here to Orlando a few years. It was an interesting thing to experience the first few minutes of the first time. Working the drive thru at a pharmacy with those little guys breeding in the grass nearby was so disgusting. Driving 60 miles each way to work in a car with no AC with the windows up was horrible. There is no more annoying organism in my life.
a fish-sleek and fast, brightly colored-purple and teal
I was thinking dog too, it seems like an easy life as long as i wasn't in the pound or something.
I wouldn't want to be a tree, that would suck having to stand in one place all the time holding my arms up. That would be tiring.
Plus getting peed on by dogs.
I over think this kind of stuff. LOL. I'd be scared to come back as a dog because what If I come back as a stray dog or an abused one etc. I do LOVE pandas. So maybe a Panda. Just roll around playing, climbing trees, & eating. I already feel like a Hamster sometimes, so I would hope not to come back as one. LOL. I don't want to be any kind of predator. So I would hope for no lions, bears, eagles or even owls, LOL.
One of my wife's dogs... boy they got it made. Eat and lay around and eat and sleep. Get snacks all the time. A present every time they potty. Cookies at night while watching tv. What A life!
Can I come back as myself?
Sure you can... it's your rules here.
Yeah. Exactly. Why would you want anything else?
@silvereyes, if reincarnation was possible I would like to come back as someone with more patience and understanding... Or a wild stallion, to run free on an open range
Well apparently from what I know of this Reincarnation belief (idea) you don't have a choice as to what you come back as. And it could be true ya know. Take Trump for example. He must have been an arsehole in a former life and he's came back as a grub.
LOL! A grub. I might steal that for use elsewhere.
I may come back as a single drop of rain, but I'll be back again, and again, and again, -----------
An old oak tree, thousands of years old.
Under one condition, no Christians cut me down and make me into Bibles.
a bear so I can sleep all winter and stuff myself all summer.
Hey... me too.lol
I sometimes believe that spirits come and go moving from one entity to another as needed or applied... sometimes stay sometimes don't, they break and just not always around on you... spirits are purpose oriented... but the Soul... the soul is another matter... that is what you are and the only one way I can define it is that we are meant to reach a certain level or a mission to be accomplish and we will continue to comeback as humans until we reach that goal or level. Sometimes we may recognize another Soul from the past... or recognize a spirit of the past. As a child I used to have more fun playing by myself and creating stories sometimes pretty long than playing with my friends... I always ended tasking the storyline of the play because seems I was good at it. I could draw without any art education... I started writing poetry and song lyrics at 14 without any musical education. I knew 50 years ago what my mission was but I disregarded it. I still believe I could had been able to create great motion pictures under the different circumstances... I don't see me a director, neither an actor, maybe not a producer but a writer, the script, the scenography, the details, the labour of love involved in pushing the story forward. The Delivery of a Message. I believe I know I will be back and once again I will tell a story of some kind. A historian, documentary or correspondent of some sort witnessing an event or simply an artist pouring his soul on his art but not for glory or money... simply for the urge without any ambition, greed or desire other than creation for the sake of creation. a critic maybe. All Arts Attract Me as an affair of the soul not as a vehicle of fame or glory. My Humble Take. Bring Me Back Like Me and As Me. Regardless of What My Future May Be. My Soul is Still Training.