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What was the reason your last romantic relationship ended?

My first wife told me she wasn't happy and she left over twenty one years ago.

ebdb 7 Apr 26

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My partner wanted a child and i had two, a girl and a boy, then had an ectopic pregnancy which blew my fallopian tubes to smithereens. We parted amicably so he could have babies. We met up many years later at a festival called the elephant fair and he was separated with two children -but I didn't want a relationship then, I had come to enjoy my own life very much and had no plans to share it.


He decided I wasn’t worth the effort. We tried counseling and working on our relationship on our own. If only one person’s not going to work out

My wife at the time not only refused to go to a marriage counselor, but also got very angry about "bringing a stranger into our marriage." She was livid. That was the last straw for me.


My husband and I were poly. He met a fascinating girl and they had a baby. I realized that the household held no place for me- not that it wasn't open and living, but that her personality and his together we're so utterly perfect, I want comfortable any more. I met a fantastic guy and we've been together ever since. Because our crazies match, just like my ex and his girl. We are still friends, and I consider them family (their kids call me momma)...


From a neutral perspective I believe my ex-wife and I had different visions for what constituted a "comfortable life." I work in manufacturing and grew up poor, living paycheck to paycheck. She grew up in a wealthy household with all the expectations that come with it. I am happy to report that we are good friends and our five years together were nice.

elaw Level 4 Apr 26, 2018

My then boyfriend and my house was raided by a task force at 6am in the morning. Boyfriend was eventually convicted of having over 400 images of child porn on his computer.

You would think I would have had a clue. I didn't.

So sorry! That's horrible!


I feel for all of you, and I am sorry!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

We weren’t a good match. He is a great friend still to this day, and I love who he was at the time- which was the safe, loving, stable man I needed during the months after my divorce from an emotionally abusive ex.

But as I grew and stretched my wings I realized he was holding me back. We wanted different things. I needed to grow and explore- he was always going to be the guy he was.

We broke up two years ago. We had a long conversation last week and it has never been so clear to me how I much I needed to be single to realize my dreams and how much he would have held me back.

I’ve taken some crazy risks the last two years, launched a business, written a few books, gone on some crazy trips. I know now I need a man who is just as independent, spontaneous and entrepreneurial to make a relationship work. I’m okay waiting for that.

Amber Level 4 Apr 27, 2018

@Shelton agreed! We should always surround ourselves with people who help us grow into our best selves.


I lost respect for him


The bitch left! Thanks FB!


Chefedone: "But women forget they go through menopause they lose all desire and libido to but that starts around age 50."

This is not always true. I have always had a high libido. Still do, at age 64.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but, "You don't need lubrication gel," my last lover said. "You're naturally wet enough." He was right.


I ended a one year relationship at the beginning of March. There was nothing particularly wrong with our relationship, it was just boring. We didnt challenge one another, the sex wasn't great, and she ultimately ended up getting on my nerves more often than not. I didn't break it off with any malice in my heart. I wish her all the best. I just wasn't willing to string her on for any longer.


You expect me to remember back that far? You slay me! 😀


My spouse of 28 years was cheating for a year before I found out with a married woman and having sex with her in our house when I wasn't home and in local hotels. He had three ways of communicating with me: ignoring me, criticizing me, or screaming at me. He has threatened me that if I say more about what he did to me he would sue me.


Domestic violence along with substance abuse. He was an alcoholic also.


I began to grow concerned when she said that all three of her last boyfriends cheated on her and gave her STDs...


Cancer. (89 days from "something's wrong" to gone)

Zster Level 8 Apr 27, 2018


@vita Yep.

Thanks. I try to just be grateful for what we got, though have my greedy moments...


He hid his extreme Christian, right-wing beliefs because he knew I would reject him.

"You have been open with me about your values and beliefs," he wrote after our third date. "Here is a list of some my beliefs." Horrified, I immediately broke up with him.

  1. Sexually incompatible. A fundamentalist, born-again Christian, he expected me to be submissive in bed. "Anal sex is the ultimate in submission," he said. CUT.

  2. His values and beliefs were the antithesis of mine.

  3. He collected 100 guns, including seven assault rifles and a machine gun. Frightening.

Oh gawd that's scary!


Long story... Not a bad ending all things considered


I started out very hopeful to grow old with my last partner. She seemed to want to rule the roost , when no rule was ever needed, and was incredibly argumentative. She behaved as if she was some how more intelligent than myself, and was very belittling to me. I am an accident prone man , and when ever I had an accident , some serious and needing reconstructive surgery, she would apparently injure herself rather badly on purpose, is the only thing I can think of. She played ill , going to hospital for endless tests on nothing, as I also think the appointments were fictitious :-/ . Munchausen is an incredible thing, and a very serious condition; It is not something you throw around lightly accusing people of having, but after five years of hell, ending with her supposedly having a broken back as diagnosed by the doctor at the surgery and without xray's, ( they don't xray backs these days she told me ) . In the end , when I stopped for a moment in life , to take check of the wagons I was pulling along on my life train with me, I could see her clinging to my train, as if she had an ice axe in me. Eventually I freaked out and walked out , leaving her with everything << that was her plan from the start. After fours years she was evicted from the farm, as she had let the place run to ruin with dogs everywhere , up to 40+ at one point. A relationship should not be built on tolerance , or should either party think they are more important or more intelligent than the other. I am a very easy going man indeed , but is only so much crap anyone can eat, and I had a belly full and walked out << best decision I ever made , she chased me for years , hassling me and rather an upsetting scene , as I don't think she liked the fact I dumped her and walked out. I wondered if she would go, " by proxy " thats where they injure or kill other people for attention too < It was time for me to go, that was twelve years ago, I have never trusted anyone of the opposite sex since. I would rather live and die alone , than live with deceit and nastiness in a relationship 😉 . Love and peace too you all out there .


He has a lot of wonderful qualities, but being honest in a relationship is not one of them. His last lie just seemed to be the last straw for me. Trust and honesty were problems throughout our relationship. There was more to it, but that’s the crux of it.


Her choice to conduct Daily arguing and intolerance for freethinking/freespeech of another individual(me). I would not stand down and she walked out and moved back in with her mom.


This is my last and it hasn't ended yet. now what ?????


She went back to her ex-husband.

Oh, I should have added when she told me she had two black eyes he'd given here.


His passive aggressive jealousy, and losing our money online trading secretly on the forex market.


You know the old explanation..?

We had religious diffences: he thought he was God, and I didn't.

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