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I need some help identifying this actress. We ate dinner out last night and they had a mural of famous people. An assistant manager claimed this was Audrey Hepburn, but there's no way. Anyone have ideas? My best guess from my searches is it's Ann Margaret.

OldMetalHead 9 June 18

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It’s definitely an illustration instead of a photo, and judging by the artistic period style, and the hat she’s wearing, it might be a movie poster with Natalie Wood in “Splendor in the Grass”, 1961.

skado Level 9 June 18, 2022


Don't hate on me. What kind of wood doesn't float?


ooooh 😝

@skado Gallows humor. There is strong evidence that she was murdered by her husband, Robert Wagner. I believe he did it. Bastard is still alive at 92. Read this article. []




Lucille Ball?


Not Audry Hepburn, but maybe Katherine Hepburn.


Looks like an illustration of a generic 1950s idea of female beauty, for advertising purposes, instead of any real person.

skado Level 9 June 18, 2022
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