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Do people become more religious as they become old?

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  • 3 votes
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heetendra 5 Apr 27

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I haven't, if anything I've got more vocal about not being religious 🙂


I think it may seem that way, but I think old peopel are just lonely and seek to be a part of a group or community.

As animals we evolved in groups for safety and survival. Older people feel safer as part of a group as it increases their likelihood of survival. Those animal instincts we evolved with are still working in us, and so old people will move towards religion more out of animal instinct than actual belief.


In general I think more people become more religious the closer they come to the end of their life, I suppose it is a comfort to them to believe that they will carry on after their body dies. For other people I think they become much less religious or more secure in their atheism as life experience has taught them that there is no god and there is no afterlife, at that point you have put away childish thoughts of an afterlife and are focused more on enjoying life to the fullest while it last.


Zero Vote. I got old being the same Atheist I was as a child.

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