Okay, a few points.
Firstly, like most Americans, you have no idea what socialism is. I have lived through various socialist govts in the 60 & the 70s and let me tell you that the only socialism in the US is corporate socialism. "Let them stand on their own two feet...(unless they are big oil, coal, agro, banking, etc.)
Secondly, you make the very common mistake that happens with so many Americans in that you think you are the world. Inflation is a worldwide problem atm. Causes are manyfold, Supply issues due to COVID, Ukraine, and last but not least 0% interest rates since 2008. What happens if you have free money for 16 years?
3rd, You overestimate how much economically the govt can do. Especially your govt. which is bought and paid for by big corp including Dems, Reps and Trumpists. Anything that might impact the bottom line of any big corp will not fly and it doesn't matter who is in the oval office, senate or congress. Any limited power they do have is generally used to alleviate short-term problems at the expense of the long-term good. This is because there is always an election due ( + or - the 1st 100 days )
If Trump had won 2020? You still would be paying the same prices for gas and food but it all would be Antifa's fault.
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
It seems to me that you have no real idea of anything concerning economics. You are wrong, you need to read more and not the shit from the right.
Petrol is £1.89 per ltr. That is around $8.50 per US gallon. Tell me please who should I blame, Biden or Boris?
@Trajan61 High fuel prices in the US are due to Biden and the school shootings are due to a lack of prayer in schools, yeah right? There is a reason that we are on this site. It is because we prefer to base our views on logic and reason, not on blind obedience and superstition. You know that fuel prices are high all over the world but you blindly adhere to the gospel according to the Republican party.
Here is a list of gas price increases country by country. The USA is quite high at 9.9% but not as high as Canada or the UK at 16.4 and 14.6% respectively. True, parts of the EU are seeing prices actually fall but that might be a tail-off from early hikes or govt intervention (let's hope that trend hits both our shores soon). However, I can see nothing in this list that "definitively" backs up your claim. The graph at the top shows an average of 22% increase as opposed to the USA's 9.9% However, this does back up my assertion that had Trump not lost, then you would still have high gas and food prices but it would be Antifas fault.
@273kelvin Only a raving idiot could believe that shutting down the Keystone XL and stopping drilling on federal land which accounted for 25% of US production would not have an impact on fuel prices. Not to mention discouraging loans for oil and gas development. Thankfully most Americans realize this and will likely vote the idiotic Democraps out of office.
@dalefvictor Your the one who is an idiot when it comes to economics.
@Trajan61 I do hope that you read contracts a little more critically than you read the news. From my understanding. Biden had not stopped drilling on federal land, in fact, the oil companies had 20.000 unused leases already for federal land and not one of them was blocked. What he had done is to stop issuing NEW leases for drilling on federal land. That was as of April 2022. Then he did a partial u-turn and started issuing leases but with increased royalties for the taxpayer.* Even so, can you please explain to this idiot why future leases that might take years to come on stream would have such a significant impact on current prices? Could it be that the oil companies are making a bundle by price gouging and the whole federal lease thing is a distraction?
Ps, it will not matter if the Dems are voted out. They will simply claim the election was rigged, lose every court case, stage a coup and get Kamala Harris to pick Biden for a 2nd term. No of course they won't because that would be treason, wouldn`t it?
@Trajan61 The 9.9% was petrol prices, not fertilizer and even that might be out of date by now.
So you really think that had Trump not lost in 2020 you would not have had inflation? America would stand alone as immune from all the market forces that affected the rest of the world. All the free taxpayers' money Trump pumped into big corporations and 0% interest rates since 2008 had no inflationary effect at all? I get that you respect Trump and rate him highly but he is not divine.
@Trajan61 Biden couldn`t declare war on crabgrass in his yard. If "war" means acknowledging (along with 95% of scientists) that global warming is real, it is already affecting the US and maybe the government should do something? Then it was a Biden "war" ie. "We are going to do something, Oh oops sorry we cant"
What's the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?
A Democrat is like your nice aunt that promises to take you to Disneyland but never does.
A Republican is like your grumpy uncle who tells you there's no money to go to Disneyland and then you discover they went by themselves.
@Trajan61 Oh sorry I forgot about the coal power stations that immigrants carry in their knapsacks. Can you again please explain how migrants have significantly increased the US carbon footprint? And the funny thing is that Biden hasn't changed Trump's rules at all except in regard to children. Then he hasn`t done very much at all period. You guys call him socialist and progressive and we can't stop laughing at the idea. Oh, do we wish that he had one iota of the left-wing ideology you claim he has? The fact is Biden is (and has been for 50 years), a corporate Democrat, that's why the Dems choose him to run. If they had pitched Bernie you would have a point but they didn't. His only claim to the job is that he is not Trump. Whilst that was good enough to beat Trump by about 8 million votes. it was a very low bar.
If he runs, Biden will lose the next election. Not because he is progressive or left. because he isn't Not because the republicans have better policies, because they have no policies ("we own the libs" is not a policy). It will be because he promised a whole lot of good stuff that people wanted, then wimped out on.
@Trajan61 Firstly it is a myth that high populations have a higher carbon footprint and pollute more. Just look at China, the reason it is so industrialised and such a large polluter is down to its reduction in population.
Secondly, if x number of people migrate to the US or any other country, then the world's carbon footprint stays roughly the same* (give or take their travel and higher standard of living). Do you think that Mexicans raking your lawn or cleaning your pool has a similar effect as the US govt subsidising coal?
*Kinda l like if the North Pole melts, it would not raise the sea level at all because it's floating ice.
@273kelvin If you believe that you are very misinformed. Higher populations have a higher carbon footprint unless they have a lower standard of living. That’s just common sense. As the worlds population increase so does it’s carbon footprint.
@Trajan61 Well let us read your link. The first half backs up your theory but only anecdotally It ends with;
" At the national level, there is a clear relationship between income and per capita CO2 emissions, with average emissions for people living in industrialized countries and key oil producing nations topping the charts [10]. High-consuming lifestyles and production practices in the highest income countries result in much higher emissions rates than in middle and low-income countries, where the majority of the world’s population lives [11].
For example, the United States represents just over 4% of the global population but accounts for 17% of the world’s energy use [3, 12]. Per person carbon emissions are among the highest in the world. People living in the United States, Australia, and Canada, have carbon footprints close to 200 times larger than people in some of the poorest and fastest-growing countries in sub-Saharan Africa—such as Chad, Niger, and the Central African Republic [10]. In the middle of the spectrum are the middle-income economies, home to 75% of the world’s population [13]. In these places, industrialization will increase standards of living and consumption patterns over the coming decades [14]. Without changes to how economies tend to grow, carbon emissions will rise."
You can see that there is a big difference between million people living near subsistence and the same amount with an SUV, AC, dishwasher, fridge/freezer etc.
Bidenis no more a socialist than you are a communist.
The Democrap party is becoming very socialist with prominent socialist like Bernie Sanders and AOC heavily influencing it.
There was a lot of other things going into why inflation is happening and I'm not exactly convinced alternatives like trickle down or paying "job creators" more is going to be better.
Pointing to that particular stat last year was probably dumb politics but so is doing it now.
Inflation occurs when the government prints money and the actual value of it decreases making prices higher as the value of that money in comparison with what it was is lower. A dollar today was a lesser amount yesterday. Since there is more money out in the economy a slowdown is caused so that money can be taken out of the economy by the rich. Watch and see where the money goes. The rich are making a haul.
Trickle-down was never meant to do anything but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Amazingly, the poor did better though. Funny how that works.