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LINK Texas education officials proposed changing "slavery" to "involuntary relocation" when teaching second graders

Texas education officials are considering a change in the way slavery is taught to second graders – replacing the word "slavery" with "involuntary relocation" in state standards.

The Texas Education Agency, which is responsible for setting curriculums and state-wide student assessment testing, has multiple "work groups" that draft curriculums for each subject and grade.

When the agency presented the idea to use "involuntary relocation" at a recent State Board of Education meeting, board member Aicha Davis said she was "not OK with that at all." Davis shared a clip from the meeting on Facebook.

snytiger6 9 July 3

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Imagine where we would be today if the Nazi's had won. We are now getting a preview.

The republicans are have been slowly moving towards fascism for quite a while now. They have just reached a point whee it is obvious to everybody except republicans. The only reason why republicans aren't noticing is that the party changed so gradually in small ways over time, that the cumulative effect wasn't noticeable to them. It's like the story about how if you put a frog in hot water it will try to escape, but if you put it in water at room temperature and gradually heat it up, it will stay and boil to death. (The story itself isn't true. As the water heats up frogs will try to escape in real life, but the story does demonstrate a point.)

@snytiger6 I feel yes and no. The conservatives are following a script of dominance. It is their way of retaining power of solidity when the democrats can't seem to get their act together and agree on various topics. I consider myself a liberal independent as there are some Democratic policies I find destructive and actually causing most of the problems we face.


Whitewashing history with euphemisms!

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