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LINK Brittney Griner pleads guilty in Russian trial: what happens next?

It's not like she intended to sell or anything. I guess in Russia there will still be a potentially lengthy trial anyway. I can only hope that she is well known enough that they treat her well.

I wonder how much she is worth to the Russians in terms of political bargaining against economic sanctions or whatever. I don't even know if we have any Russian prisoners currently in this country suitable for exchange.

RichCC 8 July 7

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Hey…. She doesn’t have to deal with America’s ‘oppression’ any more.
I’m assuming she’s actually ticketed as hell to be out of the US. She’s love it over there

Still having a shitload of trouble with your spell-check I see. And your Think Check has completely abandoned you as well. Doh!

No. She’s absolutely ticketed as hell. It’s tickled, but with personal accountability. Liberals never understand it. Don’t feel bad for not getting it. I never proofread before posting. Honest mistake.


Considering she took a knee for the Anthem I hope they lock her up and throw away the key!

You Archie Bunker conservatives have always been deeply enamoured of the superficial symbols of democracy, such as The Flag or The National Anthem, while at the same time having precious little respect or understanding of the underlying values. Democracy for Dummies, basically.


Actually, we do. There is a Russian arms dealer that has been in American custody here for a while, along with another American falsely imprisoned in Russia for a while. Griner was detained right after Ukraine was invaded and it has been obvious from the start of her detainment that it was done with the idea of Putin trading her and the other American for the Russian arms dealer, as well as some leverage against Biden regarding sanctions against Russia. Griner should have been warned by our State Dept. before she was detained, that she was likely to be targeted by Russia.

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