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From Washington, MO - my atheist mobile will always blaspheme.

Malara 5 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Has your Atheist Mobile been keyed or egged yet?

I assure you that even one of those stickers on a car in my town would get it vandalized quickly..

@TomMcGiverin Same here--that's why I asked the question. Hell, I have an "Ordained Dudeist Priest" bumpersticker that somebody tried to rip off my car.

@DharmaBum50 You would think even a fundy or conservative would still see enough of the humor in that title to leave it alone. I guess they are even more humorless than I thought. Who doesn't love The Dude from The Big Lebowski? But Kentucky is probably even more redneck that my state, Iowa...

@TomMcGiverin Yeah, no offense, but I think we win the Redneck Prize hands down. LOL

They may he just that prolife that they won't waste them on me. 😅


If the religious choose to spread their beliefs why shouldn't the non-religious.
Right on

Unity Level 8 July 18, 2022



Do people throw things at you?

Yeah, imaginary fireballs.


I hope these stickers don't subject you to some Xtian forms of harassment. I just got a new sticker that says "WARNING: this vehicle equipped with a recording device". Just in case someone decides to get aggressive on me because I'm a woman, which has happened before. :'( Be safe.

I've been stalked once by an older woman, other than that I'm pretty well established. I think our local paper blacklists my letters now. 😅

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