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What are your thoughts on spirits….a family member recently said there’s a sexual demon presence in my home and that I’m responsible for bringing it there.

Not sure what she’s picking up on as I’m sure she hasn’t seen my search history 😂

antman 7 July 22

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Jack Daniels , Glenfiddich, Captain Morgan to name but a few...


Is she a closet nymphomaniac?


I agree with her! Definitely something sexy going on in that house!


That family member has probably been searching for a sexual demon all her life.

Now that you've got one, what all can it do for you?

JacarC Level 8 July 25, 2022

Surreptitious hostility. Shame on her for having sexual thoughts.


Brandy out of preference, rum for a change, whiskey never
My only thoughts on spirits


That's a little weird. Family will be family. Have them bring over their crystals and sage, or, are they holy water types.....

Sage lol


Vivid dreams and wishful thinking.

Betty Level 8 July 22, 2022

My vivid dreams and wishful thinking😂. Wonder if the demon watches me. Haha

@antman Only in your mind's eye. lol

@Betty Well, if the demon enjoys it as much as I do I shall not concern myself.

@antman Then you're all set. 🙂

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