Only Eight
There are only eight extant species of hominids left on Earth, including three species of orangutans, two gorillas, the chimpanzees, bonobos, and us. That’s it.
The chimps and bonobos are classified as endangered. The gorillas and orangutans as critically endangered.
That is mostly due to human activities such as habitat destruction and hunting.
I think we can count humans as endangered. Most folks prefer to ignore that fact…which will facilitate the end of us. Hopefully before we’ve “done in” the rest. Eventually, the planet will heal itself, but will anything besides plants survive?
Considering US & British behaviour the last few 100 years I suggest that homo sapiens is also severely endangered.
it won't be long until her materteral and avuncular friends in this zoo create a new world where we kick back and enjoy the last half a billion years here.